About Gene List Toggle Layout

Function and Localization

Product Description: CLAMP domain-containing protein, putative

SignalP Peptide: N/A

# Transmembrane Domains: 0

EC Numbers: N/A

Curated GO (PlasmoDB):


Expression by stage, third quartile (Malaria Cell Atlas): No data

More info:

Resistome Mutations

Old (Pf3D7v3) Gene ID: PF3D7_1367200

Resistome Missense Mutations: None

Resistome Compounds with Missense Mutations: None

Resistome # Samples with Disruptive Mutations: 0 (0 missense, 0 "interesting" missense)


Zhang Phenotype: Mutable in CDS

MIS: 0.999 | MFS: -0.722 | #Insertions: 1

PlasmoGEM Phenotype: Dispensable (Pb ortholog: PBANKA_1143100)

  • Relative Growth Rate: 1.06 ± 0.15
  • Confidence: 5.15

RMgmDB ABS Phenotype: Different from wild type (Pb ortholog: PBANKA_1143100)

Mod: Disrupted | RMgm-3150

More info: PhenoPlasm Link

Binding Evidence

AlphaFill Uniprot ID: C0H5L0

"Best" AlphaFill ligand hit: No AlphaFill hits

No associated EC numbers

No evidence of orthology to BindingDB entries

Orthology Information

Ortholog Group (OrthoMCL): OG6_106153

Most Similar Human Ortholog: F5H7A8

TM-align score: 0.64 | RMSD: 1.66

Seq Identity: 0.036 | Length: 55 / 367

All Human Orthologs (OrthoMCL):

ENSG00000196118 coiled-coil domain containing 189

Genetic Variation

MalariaGEN Pf7 (worldwide samples) # unique SNV/indels:

Homozygous genotype calls only

variant type common rare doubleton singleton
synonymous 3 25 17 24
disruptive 6 61 32 80
missense 6 60 32 74

Any inclusion in genotype call

variant type common rare doubleton singleton
synonymous 9 49 13 27
disruptive 20 118 58 80
missense 17 106 51 71

PlasmoDB Total SNPs: 54

Non-coding: 34 | Synonymous: 12 | Nonsynonymous: 8 | Stop Codon: 0

Protein Information

Protein length: 367 | Molecular Weight (kDa): 44.642

UniProt ID(s): C0H5L0

PDB ID(s): None

Isoelectric Point: 9.69

Protein Domain Annotations:

InterPro IPR032727 Flagellar C1a complex subunit C1a-32
PFam PF14769 Flagellar C1a complex subunit C1a-32
Superfamily N/A N/A

Associated Publications

No associated publications